Gallery Group show, Jeff Reese, Bryan Barnes, Beau Daignault, Nicola Goode,
Ryan Herz, Aaron Hobson, Don Jim, Marc Kreisel, Hrad Kuzyk, Patrick Morrison.
Rafael Serrano, Mark Thompson, Paul Zone

Drkrm. gallery presents its first show
for 2008 featuring Paul Zone’s in your face photographs
capturing the New York City pre-punk music scene; Ryan Herz’s
expose of Hollywood’s Ivar Theatre in the 1970’s;
Hrad Kuzyk’s junk camera photographs documenting the
everyday life of a soldier in Iraq; Mark Thomson’s sexy
portrait of a young Robert Mapplethorpe; Jeff Reese's evocative
female nude studies, Nicola Goode’s photographic essay
of young transsexuals on the streets of Los Angeles and the
West Coast premiere of the stunning color Cinemascapes
of Aaron Hobson.
These and many other works by emerging and established artists
are on display as a showcase and a preview of the upcoming
year at drkrm gallery.
drkrm. gallery is an exhibition space dedicated to fine art
and documentary photography, cutting edge and alternative
photographic processes and the display and survey of popular
cultural images.
drkrm. gallery • 2121 San Fernando Road • Suite
3 • Los Angeles CA 90065
323.223.6867 • www.drkrm.com • drkrmgallery@gmail.com
Hours Tuesday-Saturday 11am-5pm • Sunday 1pm - 4pm and
by appointment
All gallery events are free and open to the public.
PR CONTACT: Lee Joseph Publicity
p 818.848.2698 - f 818.848.2699
leejemail@gmail.com |